Discouraging People

Just today I was verbally attacked by a few people in my own family. The attack came in the form of a group text message with 3 different people verbally attacking me all at once. I couldn’t defend myself because I was working while they were verbally abusing me via text message. It reminded me of the Salem Witch Trials. I was without defense and unjustly accused.

It could have discouraged me however it didn’t, and here is why.

Number 1. The people who were verbally abusing me (with the exception of my niece Mackenzie) are very simple minded. I couldn’t mentally justify getting discouraged with a three year old toddler if he called me a bad name. So I definitely couldn’t justify getting discouraged when two adults with the same mentality said bad things about me.

Number 2. I wasn’t vulnerable in the area they were attacking me.

In general if we don’t believe it….. It doesn’t bother us. The hurt comes when we believe the negative things that are said about us, and we start letting it define us.

The attack I talked about earlier wasn’t a serious attack. My sisters were verbally abusing me…. but It was all in good fun. When I finally got the chance to answering back it was no longer fun for them. It was like Pee Wee Herman (my sisters) debating Albert Einstein (me) in quantum physics.

You cannot let someone’s negative opinion of you define what you do and who you are. Family, friends and coworkers sometimes say things that could derail you. Always be careful who you share your goals and dreams with. Because not everyone is as supportive as they should be.

Sometimes people are not supportive, sometimes people are not encouraging, sometimes people don’t believe you have the ability, and the desire to achieve your dreams.

It’s time to prove them wrong.

If you want to find out how I can help click here and I will call you and we can talk about the plan that will change your life forever.

Thanks for Reading
Coach Don

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