
About Don Strange

I have been a personal trainer for over 16 years. I have trained hundreds of people ranging in age from 13 to 90. I have worked with athletes, bodybuilders, from people who wanted to lose a few pounds to people who wanted to lose a few hundred pounds.

I believe that success in fitness has little to do with knowledge…

If knowledge was the answer to all of our problems I could give an AA (Alcoholic Anonymous) cd to an alcoholic and say “You are completely free from your addiction.” That would be good but…. it would not work. In order for the right program to work the alcoholic must change his or her environment and associations.

You’re probably saying ‘This isn’t much of an about me page!’ It’s more than an about page. Because we really don’t know anyone until we know their belief system. Most of what we know about people is superficial, but if we listen to the words they say and the actions they take we can hear their belief system.

I haven’t always looked like this. I had a dream. I had a picture in my mind of what I wanted to look like. I am 45 percent Burt Reynolds 37 percent David Hasselholf and 28 percent Fabio. That’s 110 percent. I am walking proof that the mind can achieve what it can conceive and believe.

Three Basic Beliefs:

Number One

– I believe we have what we say…. and what we put in our mind is more important that what we put in our body.

Number Two

– I believe what you consistently do matters more than what you do a lot of occasionally.

Number Three

– I believe your habits and lifestyle have more of an impact on your future than your genetics do.

In order to reach your fitness goals you need education, motivation, and determination. My main objective is to give you those tools so you can succeed!

To reach your goal, change MUST start on the inside! Join Today and start feeding your mind good things!

Thanks for Reading
Don Strange