Protein: The Unjust Villain in America’s Weight Gain Myth

I have something to share that’s going to puzzle many experts– it’s about protein and how there’s a crazy myth floating around that it’s a one-way ticket to Chubsville. Spoiler alert: if you believe protein has anything to do with America being overweight, I have a unicorn to sell you.

Some people honestly believe that protein is the bad guy.  It’s the villain!  They think protein is packing pounds on their frame!

Here’s the Truth. When you eat protein, your body is like a furnace working overtime. About 30% of those protein calories? Poof! They’re burned up just in the digestion process. It’s like hiring a personal trainer for your stomach, except this trainer does all the work, and you get all the calorie-burning benefits.

Now, let’s talk about the real enemy –Soda, fast food, candy, and what we generously call “junk food.”!  I love Twinkies, but are no more food that Bruce Jenner is a woman. Junk food provides zero nutritional value yet a whole lot of empty calories.  Fast food, candy, and soda provide nothing that is beneficial to your long-term health!  Calling it food is a big stretch.  It’s the equivalent of calling a cardboard box a luxury condo. It just doesn’t make sense!

This “junk” is the real trojan horse, sneaking in empty calories and a boatload of sugar. It’s not the protein shakes or chicken breasts packing on the pounds; it’s these sugary, processed nightmares. They’re about as nutritious as eating the packaging they come in – maybe less!

So, here’s the deal: let’s not buy into these moronic myths. Protein isn’t your enemy; it’s your muscle-building, metabolism-boosting, fat-burning ally.

It’s time to wise up and fuel our bodies with the good stuff. Now, try to eat your body weight in beef.

It’s time for most people to rethink their nutrition strategy. That’s where I can help. This is what I do!  I can help you cut through the confusion and craft a plan that works for you, with protein playing its rightful role.

Don’t miss out – I’m currently offering a free fitness and nutritional consultation to a limited number of people who are ready to embark on their fitness and health journey.

Take the first step towards a healthier you. Contact me now by clicking here, and let’s get started!

Thanks For Reading

Coach Don


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