You’re the next-successful-transformation



It’s decision’s not CONDITIONS that determine destiny.   Did you recently start working out eating healthy?  Chances are if you didn’t you intended too!  According to the University of Scranton only 8% of goal setters reach their goals.   You’re welcome for the shot of reality.  If you want to transform your body, you can’t do what everyone does and get what everyone wants!

We could focus on the 92% chance we will fail, but you show me your focus, and I will show you your direction.  You focus on failure and you will fail.

Here are some tips that will help you reach your goal

1. Set realistic goals that are VERY specific, that are challenging but are attainable.
2. Have a reason. Real reasons fan the fire.  The fire is the goal, your reasons are the fuel.  No reasons no results.
3. Stand on the shoulders of leaders. The time you spend trying to figure out how to do something that someone else knows how to do is more valuable than the price you would pay, an expert to tell you how to get want you want.

The woman in the before and after pic is amazing.  She has 6 kids!  Any woman that has 6 kids and is not in a mental ward is successful!  If I had six kids I would live my life, heavily medicated.

That being said she contacted me and told me she wanted to transform her body.  She was a runner, running 7-10 miles a day (or more) but she wasn’t happy with her body she felt like she was just spinning her wheels.  It’s amazing how many women I train that WERE very active, they gave a lot of effort but never saw the results they want to see.

There is a difference between activity and accomplishment.  If her goal was just to run 7 miles a day she accomplished it, but her goal was to transform her body and it wasn’t cooperating.  Having the body you want is more than just cardio, we build the plan that can SCULPT your body how you want it.

I have no doubt that we can build the blue prints for you that when you follow will create the body of your dreams.

If you are interested in TRANSFORMING YOUR LIFE AND YOUR BODY click here, and I will personally call you.  We will discuss your goals and the plan that will make those dreams a reality.  IT’S YOUR TURN YOU ARE THE NEXT SUCCESSFUL TRANSFORMATION!


Thanks For reading

Coach Don


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