What Do You Choose?

2016-05-02 15.10.45What would you rather have?

People compare good quality food to junk food and it’s not a fair comparison because junk food taste way better, and it’s addicting.  So you have to compare the long term results of those choices you make rather than the short term gratification you get from a bag of Skittles and a large Tab soda (do they make those anymore?)

Why would you put skittles in the most valuable asset you will ever own?  You could own a jet airplane, a NFL franchise, and be the world’s largest distributor of hamster hide, but if you don’t have a body you are not riding in an airplane.

Let me give you some statistics:

1 out of every 4 Americans has high blood pressure
1 in 3 has high cholesterol
1 in 7 has arthritis, if you are 65 years old or older you are every other person
7% of Americans are diabetic
33% of adults and 15% of children over the age of six are obese
Osteoporosis affects 25 million Americans a year
1 out of every 4 Americans suffers from migraine headaches
44% of all men and 38% of all women will be diagnosed with some kind of cancer in their life
40% of all deaths are due to coronary heart disease
More than 1 in 5 Americans will develop some form of depression in their lifetime

Those are some frightening statistics!  The good news is I don’t think they have to be.  Contrary to popular belief most of our ailments are not due to heredity.  Most of them are due to lifestyle choices.  I wish all of them were but unfortunately that is not the case.

There is a reward or a consequence for every choice we make. If we choose to eat Hostess Snack Cakes or Pizza Hut six days a week chances are it will lead to more than just a spare tire orbiting us in the form of a ring of fat around our waist.  It is a FACT that


We don’t complain about things that are out of our control.  For instance I have never heard someone say “MAN I HATE THIS GRAVITY! I just went outside and I tried to the hit sun with a golf ball, it went about 185 yards.  If it wasn’t for gravity I’d hit that sun.” Instead of complaining about it we use it to our advantage.  We use the laws of lift, thrust and drag to put airplanes in the sky.

Just the fact that you are complaining about something proves that you can do something about it.

Let me play the devil’s advocate for a minute.  Let’s say you really can’t control something you are complaining about. Should you give up?  Should you quit trying?  Is that the advice you would give someone who was fighting a horrible disease?

If your health is not your responsibility and you have no control over your circumstance and future you have no reason to quit eating McDonalds.

Dessert the dessert (that was clever) so you can Ditch the GUT… and discard the disease.

I wrote an article about sugar addiction it’s is a very easy to read and I think it’s hilarious but I am my biggest fan.  Please read it, it’s information you need to know about the biggest contributer to obesity and disease.

Thanks for reading

Coach Don

btw……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….                               This is the controversial picture.  SORRY!

Instasize_0502120304 (1)

This morning I placed an ad on Facebook to promote a blog I wrote called “You Choose” my advertising request was denied…… for this reason.

“Your ad wasn’t approved because it doesn’t follow our Ad Policies. We don’t allow ads that use before-and-after images in relation to weight-loss. Ads referring to someone’s health or appearance are sensitive in nature and typically evoke a negative reaction from viewers.”

I am going to focus on one sentence.  “We don’t allow ads that use before-and-after images in relation to weight-loss.”

When did a cheeseburger become a person?  I sincerely apologize to all the cheeseburgers out there if I offended you.  While I am at it I would like to apologize in advance for any other food items or artificial flavors and preservatives I might offend in the future.

The offended party refused to be photographed and has not responded to a formal request for an interview.  The picture above is his son who also declined an interview.






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