Last week someone asked to see pics of my competitors, and some of my client’s transformations.  So I showed them a picture of one of my bikini competitors.  At the sight of the pic, her first response was “SHE IS WAY TO BIG!  I DON’T WANT TO LOOK LIKE THAT!”  Well for her the good news was she looked nothing like what she didn’t want to look like!  I wish I would have had a mirror handy because I could have showed her what big was, because she was trapped inside it.  I can hear some of you…. “That’s mean.”  Well she started it!

I am a trainer I don’t care about her size wouldn’t even judge her for it, because everyone has issues!  I just get a little irritated when people throw their opinion around and don’t regard the feelings of others when I CAN SEE THEIR ISSUE, and if I would have said the same thing about her she would have been offended.

I didn’t SAY anything mean I just thought it, instead I took this as an opportunity to educate her.

So I told her, if you saw her in person you would say she is tiny!  Then you would say she was skinny.  Then she would punch you.  She has muscle in all the areas women want muscle, but if you saw her in person you would agree with me, she is not “WAY TO BIG!”  So I talked to her about body composition, muscle mass, and how pictures don’t tell the whole story.

In an effort to show her size is hard to judge in a picture.  I showed her a comparison of me from the age of 24 to 39 and asked her to guess my weight on the left (24) versus the right (39).  She said well you look better on the left!  Well thank you so much!  Thank you for letting me know I looked better at 24 than I do now!   Looking back I think the only thing we could have agreed on is our love for Sarah Lee Pies.  That is very mean…. I know… but don’t feel sorry for her, she can take care of herself, she is a celebrity!  She played the part of the apple in The Fruit of a Loom commercial.    (BTW I am 34 pounds heavier in the pic on the right at 39 years old.

To be honest with you as much as I ripped her in this blog, I feel sorry for her.  Because it’s obvious she doesn’t like herself.


What do you do when someone insults you?  Or says something mean to you?  What do you do when their insults hit you right where it hurts?  If you let them, insults can awaken a deep-seated fear that kept you paralyzed in the past.

 “Courage is resistance of fear, master of fear, not absence of fear.” Mark Twain

Every year people make a goal.  This is the year they are going to get in shape.  This is the year they are going to lose 100 pounds.  This is the year they are going to get in the best shape of their lives.

Unfortunately, the year comes and goes and the bikini is still tucked away in a box in the closet.  Why? One reason is fear.  Fear of change, fear of loss, fear of failure, fear of ridicule, fear of the unknown.

Fear attacks us most when we don’t have a clear-cut direction, yet desire one.  We cannot experience joy when we are preoccupied with our own security and self- interests.  Freedom from fear comes when we get caught up in something big enough to give meaning to all of life and every relationship.

Moderation when applied to your goal is your worst enemy.  It is fear and mediocrity in disguise.

A wobbling compromise doesn’t make anyone happy.  Either do it or don’t do it.  Take the “com” out of “compromise” and you have yourself a promise.  When our mind is totally made up and we know what must be done and we do it, fear diminishes.

Don’t let insults or opinions make you afraid.  Instead, turn the insult into the fuel that gets you to your goal.   If what I said insulted you, use it for fuel!  Don’t get discouraged…. The truth supersedes the facts…. It could be a fact that you are overweight and miserable, but the truth is, if you get on the right plan and do the right things, next year this time you will be in a much better place!  If you are ready to make a change click here, fill out the form, and I will personally call you and we can talk about your goals.

Thanks For Reading,

Coach Don

P.S. If you would have heard the whole conversation, she was full of many more insults!  I bit my tongue, chuckled inside and felt sorry for her… because she is paralyzed by fear, been insulted a lot in her life, and a product of her own environment.

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