4 Mistakes That Will Guarantee Failure

A couple of years ago I did a nutritional consultation with a couple. These two individuals were extremely obese and I really wanted to help them but they were self-deceived. I know how to get fat… I CAN RELATE I have been there, look at the pics! They wanted to lose weight so I attempted to find common ground with them.
I said something like this “It is ashame what we have done to our food supply. Bad food is cheap and addicting. For instance I love Coke, I love Pizza, I love Little Debbie, and I made out with Sarah Lee in the back of a 78 Jeep CJ7.”

To which they responded…..

“Oh we don’t eat any of that… we never eat fast food we eat only salad, baked fish, and lots of chicken.”
Let me give you my translation of what they actually meant. “Oh we don’t eat any good food, we always eat fast food, fried fish, and lots of chicken and dumplings.”

This takes me to the number 1 reason why people fail to achieve results.
1. They lie to themselves. They don’t look at themselves in the light of reality. They underestimate how bad of shape they are in and they are in denial about having anything to do with getting in the shape they are in. After all it’s genetics… I can’t do anything about it so I might as well not even try.
2. When they start a meal plan they don’t eat enough and don’t eat frequently enough. This is complete torture, so they quit.
3. They don’t have a reason to get in shape that is strong enough to keep them motivated.
4. They don’t have a blueprint for success.

How do you ensure your success?
1. Face reality…. See yourself how you are. Pain brings change. JUST DON’T STAY THERE! MAKE A DECISION TO CHANGE!
2. Eat before you get hungry, this will keep you from being tempted by bad food. I eat every two and half hours.
3. Find a strong reason to get into shape. I asked one of my clients why they wanted to get into shape. His response was awesome. He said “I don’t want to marry a woman who looks like me in a dress.” He had a strong reason.
4. Get on a good plan if you’re not  and you want to find out how I can help click here and I will call you and we can talk about the plan that will change your life forever.

The top pic on the left is me when I was 24 the pic on the right is me at 38. The fat pics? That was me also I was a younger and more voluptuous 38. That’s a six month transformation. I followed those 4 steps and look where it got me. You can do the same thing! I believe in you!
Thanks for reading
Coach Don.

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