I wonder if people with multiple personalities get jealous of their other personalities? This morning I was training one of my clients who I will not name. Any way Lynn Schroder told me this year she was an entirely different person. If fact she said “I am going to change my name to Linda.” I said “good I think I honestly like Linda a lot better than Lynn.” I instantly felt bad for what I said. I didn’t mean to hurt Lynn’s feelings but this Linda chick she has it going on. She’s dedicated, determined and I guarantee she will refuse to compromise.

Earlier this morning I was training another one of my clients who I will not name, but people like Erica Duncan refuse to compromise. They have a goal and when temptation comes they resist. As I started my session with her I was eating a protein cookie. I asked her if she wanted a bite? She said “No too much sugar.” I said “Just a bite?” She said “No.” I said “Are you sure?” She said “YES I AM SURE.” The devil comes in many forms! I highly doubt she expected her trainer to be the devil and tempt her to eat something that is not on her plan, but I did.

Temptation is simply pressure applied to your thinking designed specifically to DERAIL you. When you make a decision to change the first person to greet you will be TEMPTATION. Lucky for me I can resist anything but temptation.

So how do I keep from falling in the trap of Temptation?
1. Have a massive reason. The bigger the reason the stronger the desire the greater the results. Desire will keep you focused.
2. Have a goal. The reason is your fuel the goal is your destination. You cannot hit a target that doesn’t exist.
3. Have a plan. Fail to plan… plan to fail

My promise to you is if you follow through with those three things you will have massive success. Resist temptation, refuse to compromise and you will hit your goal. Take the COM of compromise and you are left with the promise.

If you don’t have a blueprint for success or a plan for purpose,  I can help click here and I will call you and we can talk about the plan that will change your life forever.

Thanks for reading
Coach Don


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