What does it take to get fit?

What does it take to get fit?  My mentor David Crank says “Consistency is the key to breakthrough” but that statement alone assumes something.  It assumes that you will be doing the right thing consistently.  When it comes to health 70% of the population are consistently eating the wrong foods.  Weight loss is easy for 70% of the population.  If they just give up fast food and junk food, they would lose all the weight they wanted.

But what about the people who you think are already in shape?  Maybe I am talking to you?  You workout 3-5 days a week and you eat “healthy”, but you still don’t look the way you want.

In my industry there are a lot of “experts”, misinformation is everywhere, and while these “experts” mean well they might be doing more harm than good if you listen to them.  I am not saying they don’t know what they are doing because if you look at their body they obviously do.  When I say misinformation, I am alluding to the fact that there is “missing” information.  Some people are immune to the fact’s, others have the facts but think the facts tell the complete truth…. They don’t, and some “experts” are so dogmatic and so extreme (their plan probably works does but I am not going to eat broccoli and chicken every meal everyday) only 1 percent of the population could ever adhere to the self-disciplines they implemented into their life to get to their goal, good for them bad for you!

Let me give you an example.  If you had never seen an elephant before and I show you a picture of an elephant’s tail, and then asked you what you saw?  You would say “that’s a tail”.  I could show different parts of the elephant to 20 other people and get 20 different answers as to what they saw.  They all had a fact, but it takes more than one fact to get to see the whole truth.   If I put them all in a room depending on how passionate they were about the facts, we could have a pretty heated debate.  But only when the entire picture of the elephant was revealed, would they ever concede and agree each one of them were right but the information they had was incomplete.

It takes humility to admit you don’t know everything.  Sometimes when people have been consistently doing something for years, they automatically assume what they are doing and what they believe is right.  Especially when they have had some success.

The girl in the photo is Sara Jansen.  Look at her before pic.  Not bad right?  A large segment of the population would love to look like her before picture.  That wouldn’t be a bad goal.  But Sara wanted more.  She wanted to go to the next level, and she did.

During her journey she trusted me, she quit doing what she knew to do and started doing what I knew she needed to do.  She went from doing loads of cardio to minimum cardio, and her food plan drastically changed.

Sara consistently did the right things.  She was disciplined, mentally tough and humble enough to listen to someone who knew how to get her where she wanted.

If you don’t know what to do, or if what you are doing isn’t working contact me and let’s put a plan together that will lead to the success you want.

Thanks for Reading

Coach Don

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