Subconscious Sabotage

“Decision minus action equals insignificance.” – Don Strange

I wrote that myself and it’s intellectual nonsense and an oxymoron.  If you don’t know what an oxymoron is… it doesn’t mean you’re a moron it just means you are ignorant.  By ignorant I mean lacking knowledge.  Now that I have offended a few people that have quit reading, lets get down to business.

Decision always lead to action and a failure to act is still a decision.   If you make the conscious decision to eat salmon and rice but instead eat 2 slices of pepperoni pizza and a Coke.  You had good intensions so nice job but if you keep eating pepperoni pizza and drinking Coke you will eventually be obese with good intensions.

Everyone wants to be in good shape and everyone likes the idea of eating healthy and working out but infrequent good ideas seldom lead to positive action.

Truth is people who are out of shape think about being in shape all the time, typically it’s done vicariously through stalking their favorite Instagram celebrity who has seemingly everything.  The personality, the money, the looks, the body and a closet full walking sleeping bags.   If this sounds like you STOP!

It’s time to make your own highlight reel!

But why do you keep wanting to make the right decisions yet you keep making the wrong ones?

I call it subconscious sabotage.  We are literally on autopilot 95% of the time because 95% of the decisions we make are made by the subconscious mind.

Yep that decision to eat Pop Tart’s for dinner was a subconscious decision.  There was a que followed by a decision that lead to an action.  It all started with a thought that led to a small amount of dopamine being released into a part of your brain called the nucleus accumbens.   We are basically a litter mate to one of Pavlov’s Dogs.

It sounds like you aren’t in control but you are!  How do you fix this?

It’s very simple…..a goal, a plan, single focus, massive action and consistency.

1st Know what you want.  You can’t hit a target you don’t have.  So figure out what you want!  In this scenario since I sculpt bodies what do you want to look like?

2nd Have a good plan.   What is a good plan?  A plan that you CAN do, don’t set unrealistic expectations for yourself.  If you say I am going to workout 2 hours a day 7 days a week and you haven’t worked out in 3 years don’t even try unless your name is David Goggin’s (he might not even be human, get his book Can’t Hurt Me).  If you do set unrealistically high expectations for yourself and you don’t honor that commitment and follow through it will just crush your self-confidence and you will be making midnight trips to the pantry in your walking sleeping bag so you can eat a box of Pop-Tarts.

3rd Single focus on the plan. Everything revolves around making that goal become a reality that means when everyone else is eating dang quesadilla’s (Napoleon Dynamite reference) and living out the lyrics of Margaritaville you are drinking unsweetened tea and eating Don’s Best Burgers (one of my recipes I named after myself they are so good).

4th Take massive action.  Dreams come into reality through action.  No action no positive outcome.  Well done is better than well said.  Just do it (thinking about making it Strange Sculping’s new tagline)

5th Consistency “Consistency is the key to breakthrough”- David Crank


Now is the time!  Now is the time to take action click here.


This is for Real.

Coach Don

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