The One Thing That Guarantees Success

Everyone has heard the phrase “Slow and steady wins the race….”  Now let’s get real, there is NO AWARD FOR BEING SLOW.  It should be STEADY wins the race, because slow is a matter of perspective.

Whenever Apollo 11 landed on the moon, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to step foot on a non-man made surface in outer space.  That’s when Neil said one of the most recognizable quotes of all time “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind”

What we didn’t see were the 400,000 NASA employees that had been working for 10 years in preparation for his “small step”.  We didn’t see the fact that during the 238,857 mile journey to the moon Apollo 11 was only on course to hit its target 10 percent of the time!  There were hundreds, thousands of course corrections.

But what do we see?  “One small step!”  What we witnessed was a GIANT LEAP!  Because we didn’t see the PREP TIME!

Spontaneous success only happens in the movies, in reality success happens one step at a time.

The likely hood of a woman looking like Denise Austin or Ashley Kaltwasser or man looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger with little or no effort is as likely as Donald Trump asking me to be his financial advisor.

Most people quit because real progress doesn’t happen instantaneously, they are fooled into believing slow progress equals no progress.  This is incorrect, and the main reason most people fail.

This is my one month transformation!  One month when the photo was edited I thought for sure the pic was taken on the same day!  I double checked the photo myself.  Sure enough it was right!

That is one month worth of results

Before after 2

Now look at the 6 month transformation!  That’s a big difference!

before and after

Time is the great equalizer.  Results don’t lie!  If you are heading in the right direction don’t give up just adjust course and you will have great success.

The one thing that guarantees success is making more right decisions than wrong ones.  You don’t need to know how to finish you just need to start.   If you need direction click here fill out the form and I will personally call you and give you a free consultation.

Thanks for Reading

Coach Don

Last week I played a game of Monopoly by myself, sure I funneled extra money to myself so I could put hotels on Boardwalk and Parkplace, but I am making strides… soon I will be Donald Trump’s financial advisor.

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