
A ten-year-old Jewish boy was miserably failing 5th grade.  His parents had tried everything to help him get his grades up.  Five private tutors, three different private schools, even military school!  Nothing was working so they decided to enroll him in Christ Prince of Peace Catholic Elementary School.

Immediately, they saw a change!  The first day after school he skipped cartoons and PS4 with no fuss!  For the next two months he spent three hours in his room after school studying and doing homework.  The refrigerator was covered with papers marked with 100% and A’s. When his report card came in the mail, little Bobby received straight A’s!

His parents were ecstatic.  “Wow Bobby!  We are so proud of you!  Those nuns are doing such a great job teaching you.  What is the main difference between your old Jewish school and this school?”  Bobby replied, “Well the first day I walked in, I saw some guy nailed to a board and I said I don’t want to end up like that guy.”

The root word for motivation is “motive”

Motive: something that causes a person to act in a certain way, do a certain thing, etc.; incentive.

Bobby had motivation.  He didn’t want to be “nailed to a board.”

The number one reason most people fail is because they don’t have a good reason to succeed.  When I hear someone say, “It’s not that big of a deal.  All I want to do is get rid of some of this tire,”  I immediately know they are not going to get good results because they’re not excited and they are already minimizing the results they say they want to achieve.  “I just want to tone my butt and triceps a little.”  A little?  Little reasons….little effort….little results.

In order to get into good shape you must have clearly defined goals, and even more importantly, YOU MUST HAVE A GOOD REASON!  YOU MUST HAVE A MOTIVE!!

Motive is your reason.  It’s why you act a certain way.  Ation is a suffix, which means action or process and make or force to do.

Combine the two and you have motivation….

The bigger the reason, the greater the motivation.

When you preserve your desires, you build the framework to manufacture the life you were born to live.  Without passion there is no motive to act.  There is no motivation.

There is always change on the inside before there is change on the outside.

Don Strange

Don Strange

I had a motive!  And I transformed my life and my body you can do the same!  It’s your turn!  Click here fill out a form, and I will personally call you and we can talk about your fitness goals!

Thanks for reading,

Coach Don

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