Losing The Political Fat

Several years ago, I trained a well-known politician.  This guy had charisma and he was funny.  I always enjoyed talking to him because he always told me what I wanted to hear.  He wanted to lose weight, so I told him I was going to make it easy for him.  I gave him a specific number of calories along with a ten-page menu.  Each page had a different category of food.  For instance, I had carbohydrate category, protein category, fat category, processed food category, and meal replacement category.  I set this plan up to give people lots of choices so they didn’t get bored.

During the consultation I said, “Forty-two percent of your calories will come from the carbohydrate category on these pages, 27 percent come from the protein category, etc…”  I still remember what he said.  “Okay, I will do 40 percent carbs, 30 protein, etc…”  He was rounding my numbers.  I said, “That’s great!  If you do those percentages with the foods on my list, you will lose weight!”

Several weeks later he called me (he wasn’t losing weight as quickly as he should have) and he said, “I am following your plan, I don’t understand why I am not losing weight.”  I said, “What did you have for lunch?”  He responded, “I had Popeye’s fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and ten of those chocolate-covered graham crackers.”  I said, “THAT’S NOT ON YOUR MEAL PLAN!”  He said, “Yes it is!”  I can have chicken on my meal plan!  And chocolate-covered graham crackers are carbohydrates!”  HE WASN’T KIDDING…WOW….

A month later, I found out he stole my watch.  When I confronted him about it, he said, “Your watch my watch…same thing.”  I responded, “No it’s not…is that my wallet?” (JK)


I said all that to say this.  It is okay to make adjustments on your plan every now and then.  But when you make MAJOR calorie adjustments you can’t expect favorable results.

If you have to have an additional 500 calories of potato chips or candy a day in order for you to be able to “realistically” stick with your meal plan, then “realistically” you are not going to lose weight.

If you are ready to change your life and get fit click here and I will personally call you and we will discuss your goals!

Thanks for Reading,

Coach Don


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