Lessons From Richard Simmons

People ask me all the time “How did you learn to oil your body down.” I always answer the same way. “The King of Fitness you know him as Richard Simmons… he taught me everything I know about no nonstick low calorie cooking spray.”

I have never completed his Deal A Meal program. I never finished his Sweatin To The Oldies VHS fitness tape but I do know one person who did, my sister Dawn finished his program. At the time she was 19 years old 5’ 9” and 128 pounds, I am sure she fit the exact demographic Richard Simmons was trying to hit when he developed his program for the severely obese. I could laugh about Richard Simmons all day long but “The King” has helped thousands of people lose weight. In fact in his fitness career he has helped humanity lose approximately 3,000,000 pounds! That’s a success!

My hat goes off to you Richard Simmons I would give you my blouse too but the fine oils from Qatar that you taught me to use have left a rust and mineral deposit. I will try to get the stain out and send it.

Besides learning the proper way to oil down your body what else have I learned from Richard Simmons
1. To get weight loss results it doesn’t take a lot of secret knowledge.
2. Directed passion leads to huge successes.
3. There is no fast painless miracle way of losing weight.
4. Humor and enthusiasm is a great way to stay motivated and help inspire people to change.

We can apply those 4 things today and get major results. That being said there is a different level of intensity, plan and routine for someone who wants to get to the next level of fitness. You don’t have to know a lot to lose a 100 pounds you just have to have a lot of dedication.

I work with people of every weight shape and size from bikini and physique competitors to people who want to lose 150 pounds. All of them have goals but the bikini competitors plan and the guy who wants to lose 150 pounds plan are not the same. Why? Because the weight loss client doesn’t need to sodium load, carb deplete, carb load, and they don’t need to specifically target a certain muscles to change their physique their workouts are different and so is there diet.

It doesn’t matter if you want to lose 100 pounds or do a bodybuilding show we can make the plan for you.

If you want to find out how I can help click here and I will call you and we can talk about the plan that will change your life forever.

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