This morning I worked out, then I was stopping by a client’s work to drop off some Strange Sculpting apparel she had purchased from me.  She text me and asked to reschedule I called her and she said…”you can stop by today but I can’t talk long have to get ready for a meeting and I have to have LASER FOCUS.”

1. That is very offensive considering everything I say is VERY IMPORTANT.
2. If you know me you would know the last thing I would ever do is tell a never ending story.

I love studying the science of human achievement.  Everyone has a different definition of success, in my field being in shape is success.  This woman (Carmen) is in her 40’s and she is in better shape than 99.9999 percent of women in their 20s.  I have tried to get her to do fitness shows and she refuses.  I had a conversation with one of her workers who said Carmen is the hardest working woman she knows.

I know what you are thinking…. What a loser.  That’s what I said.

What’s her recipe for success?  By observation alone this is what I see.

1. She has a clear objective (she knows what she wants).
2. She blocks out and eliminates all distractions that keep her from her goal.
3. She has LASER FOCUS aimed at her goal.
4. She doesn’t stop until she achieves her objective.

I have noticed the same characteristics on all high achievers.  All high achievers have goals, a goal is a target.   Here are 3 action steps for fitness success.

1. Have a clearly defined goal of what you want to look like and feel like.
2. Make it exciting if it doesn’t excite you it won’t motivate you.
3. Execute the plan with LASER FOCUS.

Click here fill out this form and I will call you and we can talk about a real and realistic program that will get you to your goals.

Thanks For Reading

Coach Don

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