How Fitness Saved My Life

The following is written by a client of Strange Sculpting.

When I first started working out, I was in shape. Round is a shape.  I was overweight.  I would get out breath tying my shoes. I would fall over just trying to stand still. My blood pressure was high. I was on the highest dosage of my medication. The doctor didn’t want to put me on two medications, so he told me to lose weight and exercise.

My goals were being able to tie my shoes without almost passing out. Being able to move without falling. Being able to get on treadmill or exercise more 30 minutes without almost passing out. What I call surviving training. I also wanted to fit in my XL clothes.

First I accomplished my goals with a hot blond Jessica Daniels she had me exercise on the bosu and do exercises to strengthen my ankles and wrists. My husband would work out on treadmill and she turn it up.

I had to get an operation. Justin helped me get my diet on track. Also I needed to learn to swim better so I didn’t drown. He taught me to swim the breast stroke, the back stroke. to dog paddle, to float, and to breathe. I wanted to run a 5 k. He taught me how run without pounding my feet. He taught me how to pick up the pace and breathe slowly so my blood pressure didn’t go up.

Donald Strange not only made me look better but lifted my spirit after I fell into a pit of darkness. My parents died and I was back to my old self. I didn’t want to work out. My eating habits were horrible. I drank soda ate pizza, ice cream and fried food regularly. I had gain 10 lbs. back. Don motivate me not only in exercise, and diet but life in general. He had me do weight training with some cardio and ab exercises to shape and sculpt me. He had me do the 100 burpee challenge.  He also made me laugh my abs off.

I have accomplished so much more than my original goals. I was not only able to maintain my blood pressure on medication I was taking; I was able to lower the dosage. I don’t fall over even doing wall sits, burpees, and run. I now am a medium and some my clothes are too big. Oh and now I am the hot blond turning the treadmill up. I am now training my husband; we will run a 5 k this year.
*****My commentary******

Briggette made major progress over the last year!  She has lost a total of 50 pounds!  What you can’t tell is how strong she is and how much muscle she has.  She also just text me and told me how excited she is to have a waist now!

Thanks for Reading


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