HCG Works!?!!

An older couple went to the doctor for a checkup.  The nurse came in and told the old man “Take this cup go in the bathroom I need a urine sample.”  The old man says “WHAT…I CAN’T HEAR YOU?”  The nurse says “Take this cup go in the bathroom I need a urine sample.”  The man says again “WHAT?”  The nurse now irritated “GO IN THERE TAKE THIS CUP I NEED A URINE SAMPLE!”  The old man says “WHAT?” The old lady says “LIONEL SHE WANTS YOUR UNDERWEAR GO IN THERE AND TAKE THEM OFF.”  If you don’t get it, wait till you’re as old as Lionel.

A Couple of years ago I heard about this “new” diet called the hCG diet.  Dieters limit their food intake to 500 calories a day for a month, and put these “magic” drops under their tongue.  Then presto… dramatic weight loss!

I think everybody likes the idea of instant results. Instant noodles, instant coffee, instant oatmeal, instant weight loss, instant itch reliever.

Maybe instant inch reliever doesn’t fit but when people fall prey to fad diets it makes me scratch my head.  In the 60’s the sleeping diet was popular. You can’t eat when you sleep, so celebrities like Elvis would sedate themselves for two or three weeks to loose weight.[i]  Since then the medical establishment has realized this could be dangerous….  Shocking…

HCG diet on the other hand is a good idea???????

H= Human  C= Chorionic  G= Gonadotropin

Chorionic (CORY on IK) membrane enclosing the fetus[ii] (this indicates the human is a woman)

Gonadotropin (GO NAD A TROPE IN) A hormone that stimulates the growth and activity of the gonads.[iii]

 I am not going to beat around the bush.  HCG is a hormone.  Guess where the hormone comes from?  You guessed it!  It is farmed and harvested from the urine of pregnant women.  Sounds like a great idea… right?  When I found out that HCG came from urine, it spawned the joke at the beginning of the article, but unfortunately we can’t harvest hCG from “Lionel’s” underwear.

hCG comes in two forms: shot form and sublingual form (drops you put under the tongue)

Take a deep breath and relax… “urine, while in the human bladder, is sterile.”www.ultimate-hcg-guide.com

Oh it’s sterile urine?  I am thirsty.

The urine is centrifuged, filtered, and purified before the hCG hormone can be isolated, separated, bottled, marketed and shipped.

 On a side note I am sure the hCG hormone that is farmed from urine is safe (as far free from harmful bacteria) but I can’t get over the fact it comes from urine.

Maybe you can and maybe you already have… but does it work?

Yes and No For the first 21 days you limit your calorie intake to 500 calories a day.  This will make you lose weight, but do you really want to lose body weight?

NO!! Body weight comes in five forms Bone, Water, Muscle, Organ Tissue, Fat.  If you are interested in losing land mass you want to lose fat… and you want to maintain or increase the other four.

Fun Fact:  Fat takes up 3 time more space per pound than muscle. 

Will you lose weight on the HCG diet?

Yes… because you are starving. Even your 6 month old 15 pound baby niece would 2 pounds in one month program!*

Does the HCG help you lose weight? No clinical evidence shows that HCG works no better than starvation.

Do HCG drops work? hCG is also sold in stores and on the Internet as drops. Since injecting over a hundred international units of hCG is not proven to work for weight loss, drops which barely contain any hCG do not work.[v]

Does starvation work?  YES If you weigh 300 pounds and you don’t eat for a year. You would weigh 85 pounds at the end of the year.


It can also provide the following 35 benefits:

1. cardiac arrest
2. constipation
3. diarrhea
4. electrolyte imbalance
5. cavities
6. tooth loss
7. hair loss or thinning
8. fatigue
9. amenorrhoea
10. edema
11. osteoporosis
12. osteopenia
13. hyponatremia
14. hypokalemia
15. optic neuropathy
16. brain atrophy
17. leucopenia
18. telogen effluvium
19. carotenoderma
20. acne vulgaris
21. hyperpigmentation
22. seborrhoeic dermatitis
23. acrocyanosis
24. chilblains
25. petechiae
26. livedo reticularis
27. interdigital intertrigo
28. paronychia
29. generalized pruritus
30. acquired striae distensae
31. angular stomatitis
32. prurigo pigmentosa
33. edema
34. linear erythema craquele
35 pellagra

The previous list is the side effects of anorexia.[vi]  I am only comparing the hCG diet to anorexia to make the following point.  The hCG diet is not sustainable way to lose body fat or live.  In fact it is completely opposite of the healthy way to lose weight.


The picture above is of Christina Smith!  She didn’t do the hCG diet!!!!  She didn’t starve herself!  She follow a practical plan (her practical might be different than yours) and she was consistent!   If she were to talk to you she would tell you, if she could do it you can to!   She wouldn’t listen to you excuses!  She is a machine!

If you are tired of not getting results, Click here fill out one form, and I will call you!  We will talk about your goals and how I can help.

Thanks For Reading

Coach Don

P.S. Anyone who goes hungry for 3 days will be inclined to steal… Since the HCG diet was introduced by A.T.W Simeons in 1954 all crime has skyrocketed.  The statistical data for burglary, larceny theft and vehicle theft has gone up 240% since 1960. Bottom line you can’t trust anyone on the HCG Diet.


* The calorie needs for a 15 pound baby is 735 calories a day.[vii] 235 times 30 equals 7050 divided by 3500 (calories in one pound of fat) equals 2.014 pounds.

[i] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1243063/They-called-The-Man-Who-Killed-Elvis-Now-stars-doctor-finally-reveals-true-madness-Kings-final-days.html

[ii] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/chorion

[iii] http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Gonadotropin?s=t

[iv] http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gameon/post/2010/05/report-nfls-brian-cushing-suspended-for-same-drug-manny-ramirez-used—/1

[v] http://www.doctoroz.com/videos/hcg-diet-fact-vs-fiction?page=3#copy

[vi] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anorexia_nervosa

[vii] http://www.livestrong.com/article/50661-calculate-infants-caloric-needs/

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