I love giving away things…. I always have, it’s bred in me.  When I was eight I tried to give head lice to the entire 2nd grade, instead the gift was only given to a select few, then I was quarantined and sent home from school, turns out I had flees.  I wish I was joking.

A couple of years ago I had two mentally handicapped men (they were mentally retarded but you can’t say that, it’s not politically correct), come in my office.  When I see someone who has “special needs” it honestly breaks my heart, these two men did very well, they held jobs, lived up to their potential and even exceeded it.

My IQ is somewhere around 23 theirs was around 19 BUT they understood the elementary principles of nutrition.  They had common sense!  Recently I was in a conversation (argument) with a gentlemen who is so intellectual, he could make me feel stupid, if I cared what he thought of me.  This guy was so smart I felt the need to take my Lucky Strike’s out of my cigarette pocket (that’s what my dad calls that pocket) and replace them with a dozen mechanical pencils, but I resist the urge.  He believes that food made in a laboratory is better than natural food.   I have always thought this but he confirmed it, it takes a really intelligent person to complicate an easy to understand FACT.

Back to the guys in my office.  I gave them both a pad of paper and I said “you are both going to make your own meal plan, but I am going to coach you.  Breakfast what do you want?”  One of them said “Ice-Cream” the other said “Snickers” then the both laughed hysterically…. I mean hysterically to the point of almost crying they were laughing so hard.  Why were they laughing?  Because they both new what they said was ridiculous!

To make my point so I could tell this story later, I asked them.  “What’s a better choice an apple or a Snickers candy bar?”  Obviously they said “Snickers” and continued to laugh………………………….and laugh…….. And laugh.

THE POINT These two mentally handicapped Men (in their early 20s) when given the choice, knew what the right choice was!

This means you and I have no excuse!   Every day we make a series of choices, when we choose right, we get closer to our goal and to success, when we choose wrong, we get further away.

We live in a fast paced environment that means the chances of you having food prepared % 100 of the time is slim.  So I have developed Dining Out Guide that will enforce what you know is correct, and help you make the right choices when you are dining out.

If you are interested fill out the form below, you will receive my dining out guide and be automatically subscribed to my newsletters.

Thanks for Reading

Coach Don

Free Dining Out Guide

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