You Can Eat Whatever You Want

Some people say “You can eat anything you want as long as it’s in moderation.” That sounds great on paper, sounds even better when I use it to justify eating a dozen Krispy Cream Donuts. The answer is yes; it is true “You can eat anything you want as long as it’s in moderation.”

In fact, the following statements are true as well:
“You can snort cocaine as long as it’s in moderation.”
“You can smoke crack as long as it’s in moderation.”
“You can drink antifreeze as long as it’s in moderation.”

You can do all those things and I can hear some of you say “that’s ridiculous that stuff is against the law and will kill you, so you can’t do that!” If you can’t do it, why do people do it? The fact is “You can eat anything you want as long as it’s in moderation”, but the truth is if you do there are repercussions.
Do you think it would be a wise decision for me to tell a recovering alcoholic “I want you to start drinking again, but this time I want you to drink only in moderation”? I am not a brain surgeon but I am not sure that would be a wise decision.

Percent 70.7% of adults age 20 years and older are obese or overweight.
The truth is it’s impossible at least for 70.7% of the population to eat bad food in moderation. Moderation does not mean quantity in fact Three Oreo cookies contain the same number of calories as one cantaloupe. If I ate 3 cantaloupes in one day most people would think that wasn’t moderation, those same people would eat 1 cup of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream (which would be considered moderation) and have 90 more calories than me.

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Thanks For Reading

Coach Don

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