Last week The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services released the results of their study on human motivation and accountability. When the findings were released the Dow Jones Industrial [...]
I hear this EVERY DAY: “I don’t have any energy!” “You don’t understand I can’t work out because I don’t have any ENERGY!” I ask “What have you eaten today?” “I had three donuts for [...]
The coronavirus is killing billions of people.. okay maybe not that many. But honestly if you have a compromised immune system you should be scared. Or if You doing the same things that the [...]
Crock Pot Baked Spaghetti (serves 12) Ingredients 1 cups Mozzarella Cheese 20 oz Barilla Protein Plus Pasta 2 1/2 cups Broth, Chicken, Condensed 2 1/2 cups Organic Pasta Sauce 28 oz Diced [...]
I asked Ryan to give me 2 tips that helped him get in the best shape of his life. Here they are: Tip #1 “Don’t compare yourself to others.” Here is some Strange Wisdom (my commentary) You know [...]
Whenever you understand the science of human achievement and you look at someone’s results you can make some accurate assumptions. First let me go back to that last statement the science of human [...]
If a bird landed on your head would you let it build a nest? Not a chance! So why do you meditate (continuously think about and ponder) negative thoughts that don’t line up with your best [...]
I love Chick-fil-A. They make the greatest fried chicken sandwich in the world. That’s a scientific fact. It is also a scientific fact that all their food is great. But… If you eat a large [...]
When Brittany was getting ready for her photo shoot it was intense. She wrote: “The hard part for me at night was not going to the kitchen late at night and snacking. I needed something to help [...]