Think Big

The average person has 48.6 thoughts a minute that adds up to 46,656 thoughts a day (based upon 8 hours sleep 16 waking hours) and for most people 70% of those thoughts are negative.   Let me help you, if you are one of these people who think negative -STOP.  I could end this blog right now, because I am angry, but I am going to control these negative thoughts and give you some practical advice.

A lot of times people are negative because they don’t love themselves.   Some people actually think it is a bad thing to love yourself.   I read the Bible and Jesus Christ (the main character in the Bible) says to “love your neighbor like you love yourself”.  How can you love anyone else if you don’t love the person sitting between your two elbows?  Lift your head up, if no one else loves you God loves you.  “Well I don’t believe in God” , well it doesn’t matter what you believe because what you believe has absolutely no bearing on the truth.  You see what you did?  Your negative attitude irritated me and now I am arguing with a non-existent opponent.

When we get older life sometimes has the tendency to kick us in the teeth.  We all had dreams when we were younger ask any 8 year old boy or girl what they want to do when they get older and I guarantee you not one of them would say “I want to be homeless by the age of 30 and living in a dumpster behind Lambert Airport.”   Or “You know what I would like to weigh around 600 pounds.”

What happens?  Negative people, and setbacks derail us from achieving our dreams.   But guess what neither one of those things can make you or anyone else give up.  It’s your choice.  I remember when I was in 7th grade my English teacher asked us how much an hour of our time was worth. I said “$1000 dollars an hour.”  He said “that’s never going to happen, you will never get a job making $1,000 dollars an hour.”  He never tried to read my palm he didn’t even have a crystal ball.  Yet somehow he thought he knew my future.  I didn’t believe him and still don’t.  I think he was legitimately looking out for my own best interest giving me a reality check, but that  wasn’t his place.

I hear kids say all kinds of things they want to do that I don’t believe is going to happen, but last time I checked it isn’t my responsibility to tell anyone what they can’t do.  Nor should I insert myself in their life to be the voice of discouragement.

If someone poured ice water on your dreams trying to extinguish the fire that should propel you to your destiny the only one that can let them do that is you.  You are responsible for you.  You are responsible for everything you have or don’t have in life, all your failures, all your successes.  Until you realize that you will be a victim to every adversity and every voice of discouragement that is spoken, or arises in your life.

You can change this by what you believe about yourself.   You know what?  I don’t believe or say anything bad about myself.   Why?  Because if someone says something bad about me that I already believe, it will reinforce the negative thinking pattern I already have pushing me even further away from my goal.

In the area of fitness if you don’t like the body you have…. Only YOU can change it.   You are not stuck, you can have the body of your dreams.   You can have the six pack abs and the glutes of glory, but this is what you need to do.


If your body could look exactly like you wanted it to look  what would that look like?  Seriously?  What would it look like?  Don’t get depressed and think about how far away that is!   Shake that negativity off, and DREAM BIG!  You can do this!  You can have the body you always wanted.

Here are two rules to follow:

1. Dream big!  Small dreams will not excite you enough to motivate you when obstacles and adversity arise.

2. Set realistic time frames to achieve your goal! Don’t say “Yes I can do anything!  I am going to have six pack abs in six weeks.”  When you are currently built like Louie Anderson (look him up) it would be a joke for you to think you could have six pack abs in six weeks.  I have no doubt you could achieve this ambitious goal but not in an unrealistic time frame.

You can do this!  If you need help I can map the things you need to do to achieve the BIG fitness DREAM you have.  Click here and lets talk about it.

This is For Real



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