I recently had a conversation with someone who told me they wanted really fast results.  I was honestly shocked because most people like really slow results.  I know that’s how I am!  If I really want something bad I want it a long time from now.   I know a lot of people don’t get my sense of humor or don’t have a sense of humor but that was A JOKE.

Let’s clear this up while I am on the topic…. I you don’t get someone’s humor, or you can’t tell if joking that doesn’t make the person joking stupid…. You’re the one that didn’t get it.

I use to watch Monday Night Football when John Madden was one of the announcers in the booth.  John said this.

“Hey, the offensive linemen are the biggest guys on the field, they’re bigger than everybody else, and that’s what makes them the biggest guys on the field.” – John Madden

When John retired they brought in Dennis Miller and he said this.

“I haven’t seen anyone rely on the ground game this much since the battle of Verdun.” -Dennis Miller

I didn’t get that joke, but that didn’t make Dennis stupid, I was ignorant one.  I didn’t know what the Battle of Verdun was.  Now I do…. By the way if you’re ignorant it just means you are lacking knowledge.  In this day and age…. ignorance is a choice because you have more information and misinformation available in the palm of your hand than anytime in known history.

Ok now I am off my rant….

Everyone want’s instant results, but results don’t happen instantly, so most people choose instant gratification over long term satisfaction.  It’s human nature, you have the right to choose, but understand that you are responsible for your own successes and failures.

So… I asked the girl that wanted fast results 2 questions.  “How old are you?”  She said “26.”  Then I asked “how long did that seem like it took?”  She said “it went by fast….”


“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That’s relativity.”  Albert Einstein

I AM 42 AND WILL BE 43 OCTOBER 8TH I GAVE YOU THAT DATE JUST IN CASE YOU WANT TO SEND ME A MONEY GIFT.   It seems like I have only been alive 8 minutes.  Time is relative if you don’t believe me go to a retirement home.

You can only control 3 things in life.  1. The thoughts you think 2. The Images you Visualize  3. The Actions you take.

The thoughts you think on a minute by minute basis frame the emotions you feel.  You cannot resist emotions, anyone who tries fails.   I know some of you don’t believe that.  If you can’t resist them what do you do?  You have to control your emotions by constantly thinking about what you’re thinking about.

Three things control your thought life.  The words you say, the images you and hear and see, and the company you keep.

Four action steps.

1. Focus on images and voices that bring you closer to your goal
2. Limit your interaction with negative people.
3. Clean up your vocabulary. Your voice, what you say, you believe more than anyone else. Remove I can’t from your lexicon of most used phrases.
4. Put a date on your goal. Six Pack Abs Coming soon…. Is too general. It’s just a dream until you put a date on it!

Thanks For Reading

Coach Don

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If you would like to talk to me about a plan to get to your goal click here fill out the form and I will call you!

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