Brains Versus Brawn

If IQ was the deciding factor for success, the most intelligent among us would be the most successful.  That however is not the case, because success is not result of intelligence, it’s the product of FOLLOWING a plan to completion.  The man on the left is Albert Einstein and he is a genius BUT HE married his cousin.  That doesn’t seem logical because it’s not!  One of the most intelligent “logical” thinkers in history married his COUSIN!  And she wasn’t even ATTRACTIVE!   If I was his dad I would have sat him down and said “Albert you’re not being logical!  If you are going to marry one of your cousins, marry an attractive one.”

Over the years I have had several severely obese clients.   A few over 500 pounds, they would stay on my plan for a while, then have a rough spell where they would eat a couple thousand Oreo’s.  Why because LOGIC FAILS!  Emotion always beats logic when making a decision.

That’s why you have to get EXITED about your goal!  You have to get excited about the reasons why you want to be in shape!  Think about how it will feel, what you will look like, how people will treat you.  People who are in good shape are treated better and have more opportunity than people who are out of shape.  It doesn’t make it right… but it’s a fact.

3 Keys to make emotions work for you rather than against you

1. Visualize the body you want until it excites you (I am not talking about someone else’s body I am talking about yours).
2. In your mind form the belief you have already achieved this goal. Think about the thoughts, steps and actions you took to achieve the results you are visualizing.
3. Final step don’t squint and over analyze the minor details…. Is it your goal to not drink a protein shake because there are better sources of protein that you probably won’t eat? Or is it your goal to get in the best shape of your life?  PICK THE BATTLES YOU HAVE WITH YOURSELF!

It doesn’t take brains to be in shape it takes a good plan and a lot of action.  I am thinking of a guy right now who is in better shape than 99.9999% percent of the people on the planet yet he is one of the dumbest people I have ever met.  I will not disclose his name out of fear of physical torture.   But the one thing he does right….. HE HAS A PLAN AND EXECUTES IT!

The man on the left has brains the man on the right is dedicated to a good fitness plan.  What would you rather have?   Knowledge minus action is useless.

If you would information on how I can help you get fit click here!

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