Five Kinds of Weight

You ever said this? “I need to lose some weight.”  That may be the case, but you don’t need to lose “SOME WEIGHT” you need to lose “SOME FAT”.  There is a big difference between the two.

Put into the most basic and simplistic terms, your body is composed of five different kinds of WEIGHT.

1. Muscle
2. Organ tissue
3. Blood (water weight)
4. Bone
5. Fat

When you initially start a GOOD PLAN that consists of the right amounts of weight training, cardio (respiratory), food (optimal amounts of macronutrients), sleep, and supplementation (vitamins, minerals, etc) you will gain MUSCLE, BONE, ORGAN TISSUE, and you will temporarily gain water weight because you are more hydrated.  Note, there are popular diets that make you lose water weight quickly, but the only type of WEIGHT that should go down is FAT!

So what could happen?  Yes, even after doing everything perfectly, your overall WEIGHT could go up. But remember this, are you concerned with WEIGHT or FAT?

The next time you have a great week and you do EVERYTHING PERFECTLY, imagine you then get on the scale Friday morning and your weight has stayed the same.  Remember that your goal is to lose fat not water!  One more word of caution: do not look over at Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper when you don’t get a lower number on the scale, because they are going to be completely shocked and bewildered just like you!

If you are interested in finding out more about how we can help you click here.

Thanks For Reading,

Coach Don


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