Simple Success Strategies.

I am a normal guy, I get up every morning put my pants on both legs at a time and take a shower.  I am not a man of excessive luxury, and I don’t need to be waited on hand and foot, for instance when I was laying in my hammock this morning I told the maid “After you finish hand washing my socks, I bought a 10 pound bag of M&M’s at Costco, I need you to sort them by color all I want are the red ones.”  An hour later my two butlers where tired of holding my hammock so I told them “bring me my Janet Jackson headset microphone, and finish combing my collection of fake mustaches then you are free to leave.”

I am not normal…. I am very abnormal, but I kind of like that.

People want to do normal things then receive extra ordinary results.  Here is a news flash for you…. If you do what everyone else does you will get what everyone else gets.

It was hard for me to wrap my mind around this but I just found out the recipe for six pack abs does not include cheese fries…

Life is like a huge buffet line, with all kinds of choices, you eat then you pay.  The only difference is, in life you choose what you want, then have to pay before you see the harvest your choices created.

Very simple success strategy.

If you sow the right seeds (exercise daily and eat healthy)
Then you cultivate the ground.  (Give the right amount of water)
Finally you reap the harvest (be in the best physical shape of your life)

Will you do everything right?

No.  But Time is the great equalizer.  Eventually you will reap a harvest!  Success is simply making more right choices than wrong choices.  The transformation you see took six months… THAT’S NOT A LONG TIME.  I followed the principles outlined in the article and like “magic” the weight came off.


Thanks for Reading


If you want to find out how I can help click here and I will call you and we can talk about the plan that will change your life forever.

Always do your best.  What you plant now you will harvest later.  Og Mandino

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