What’s Distracting You?

What’s Distracting You?

The guy in the photo is singlehandedly the second most annoying person in the world.  His nephew is slightly more annoying than him… but everyone says he takes after his uncle which happens to be me!  So by default I am the most annoying person in the world.  That being said there is no success without a successor, and I like to lead in a way that makes people who fall under my sphere of influence better than I am.  So eventually Jacob Ames will be much more annoying than I am.  If we are around you we could be a HUGE DISTRACTION in your life.

What if I said you could change your life and have the body you wanted for as little as 4 – 8 hours a week?  If you don’t have the body you want there is a reason why you don’t.  Does your reason fall in in one of these categories?

I just don’t have the time!
It’s just too hard!
I don’t know what I am doing!
I am too old!
I can’t eat the right foods.   I have a family and they won’t eat those kinds of foods.   I don’t just don’t have the time to prepare separate meals!
My mom is fat, my dad is fat, my grandma is fat, my grandpa is fat, my cat is fat, and I have bad genetics I can’t lose weight…. I was born to be fat!
Working out and eating the right foods just doesn’t work for me.

If one of these hits home don’t get angry…. I am trying to help you!  There are distractions in my life!  If there wasn’t I would be in a place where I would have enough money to fund my own presidential campaign.  A couple of my goals are to be physically fit enough to see my abs 365 days a year and to have enough money to fund my Don and Dolly (Dolly Parton) 47 Country World Concert Tour.  I have the abs and I am writing the songs now.

What has stopped me in the past? Distractions!

The truth is

— The average American watches 35 hours of television per week.

— The average American watches 6.5 hours of programming on their PCs or mobile devices per week.

— If you add up all the time that the average American spends with electronic media — TV, computers, smart phones, radio, etc. — it’s around 11.5 hours per day.

I can hear some people saying “yea well a lot of the time I am on the phone I am actually doing something else.”  I know you are!   I think I drove past you yesterday as you were playing pinball with the median and the cars driving in the slow lane.

I am guilty of multi-tasking I am constantly playing with my phone and listen to my girlfriend who just happens to talk like the teacher of Charlie Brown.  At least that’s what I hear when I am surfing Facebook or Instagram and she is chatty.

If you really want to change your life.

1.Take responsibility for your actions
2.Quit making excuses
3.Have a good reason to get into shape
4.Make a plan so you have a clear cut direction for success.

If you need help with the plan I want to help!  Fill out this form  and reference you need help with a plan.  If you do I will schedule a time with you and I will personally call you and give you a 15 minute free consultation.
Thanks for reading

Coach Don


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