Two Keys 4 A Fit Life

 “Educators take something simple and make it complicated. Communicators take something complicated and make it simple.”- John C. Maxwell

If it takes a lot of intelligence to be “in shape” most of the people who you see that are “in shape” would be “out of shape”.

Did I call them stupid?  Absolutely not!  I would never say anything derogatory or possibly offensive to anyone that could chase me down, catch me and rip my limbs off.  That would make me stupid.

What I would say is these people have found success in fitness because they have mastered at least two success principles.

Number One: They have simplified their workouts and eating habits, to ensure their results are guaranteed.

Number Two: They have mastered the mundane.

Since we are human we are subject to the limitations of our physical body.  All the muscles of the body perform certain functions.  For instance it is impossible (without a mirror) for me to look behind me when I am facing forward.  Why because my head is not attached to a ball and socket joint. Therefore I am not able to turn my head, and complete a full 360-degree rotation.

People spend millions of dollars a year trying to trick themselves into thinking they will enjoy exercising if they buy a specific exercise machine or learn a new exercise technique.  People come up to me all the time and ask “can you teach me some new exercises?”  I want to say “I will absolutely show you several exercises you have never done before so you can never do them again.”

I can hear some of you now….. “That’s mean, you’re ignorant.”  I am not ignorant.  Ignorant means lacking knowledge I was the one they asked to teach them something they didn’t know.  By definition that would make them ignorant.

Every muscle in your body has a function there are only a certain number of moves the body can make to utilize each of those muscles.  If you want to learn a new triceps exercise (visualize this) stand on your head with a set of dumbbells now while keeping your elbows tucked to your side, extend (straighten) your arms to your side.  As far as I know no one has ever done that…. But it would be considered a triceps exercise.

What am I getting at?  Human movement patterns are simple.  When people invest in P90X, INSANITY or take a Body-Pump class at the gym it is just a combination of basic exercises that engage multiple muscles, all at different point in the movement.  There is no such thing as a new exercise, but there is such a thing as a new combination of exercises.

Don’t misunderstand me!  THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH P90X, INSANITY, OR BODY-PUMP! They are great programs, thousands possibly millions of people have had success doing them.

Simplification good! Oversimplification bad!

What I am saying is far too many people use the excuse “I don’t know what I am doing…” if I am talking to you, UNDERSTAND that doesn’t stop you from driving…. I think I got behind you yesterday on the way home from work, you should probably give up driving and start exercising.

Seriously…. Exercise is easy, all you need to learn is simple techniques, simple movements and simple principles to achieve extraordinary results.

Thanks for Reading


If you overcomplicate what you are trying to achieve you will never reach your goal because you will never start your journey.

If you don’t have a plan for success, the first 10 people who Fill this out will receive a 15 minute phone consultation and I will personally help you with your plan.

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