Transform your MIND Transform your BODY


If you change the way you think, you change the way you feel.  When you change the way you feel, you change the way you act. When you change the way you act, you change the way you live. That’s transformation.

But where does it start? It starts with words….. I will give you another piece of wisdom that will help you. Words lead to thoughts, thoughts lead to emotions.  Emotions lead to actions, actions lead to habits.  Habits lead to character and character leads to destiny.

It all starts with a single word? Well words come in many forms.  A picture is worth a thousand words, actually 93% of all communication is visual.   The brain actually processes photos 60,000 times faster than text. So in reality a picture is worth 60,000 words. That’s why if you want to fix, retrain, or renew your mind you must pay attention to what images are getting your attention.   Evaluate what you are watching, then consciously think about what destination those thoughts are trying to take you to.  That’s the reason why McDonald’s advertises with their iconic golden arches.  Everyone knows about McDonalds, but when you see the golden arches you start thinking about their french fries.  You’re not hungry but you will feel like eating them, then you will buy them, that’s an action.  When you do it to frequently it becomes a habit!  “The eyes are windows to the soul”. Your soul is your mind, your will and your emotions. If you want that to change start putting images of your dreams in front of you!

“Where the mind goes the man follows.”

That’s why I have an image of myself ripped on my phone.  I use to have the same photo taped on the inside of my Bible, but people would see it and think it was someone else.  Listen, if I was going to tape another person’s photo in my Bible it would be my wife’s or Dolly Parton’s, not a cut out of a guy in Muscle and Fitness magazine.   But why did I do it?   I did it because that’s what I want to happen!  That’s why I have a vision board. I put the images of what I want in front of me.

I can hear some of you saying “Well you’re too vain.”   Why am I arguing with you?  I refuse to continue in this dialogue with a non-existent opponent… but just so you know I know that song is about me. (“Your So Vain- Carly Simon).

This is what I want you to do…. I want you to find an image of a body that you want on your body.  I didn’t say that right.  Get a picture of someone you want to look like (if you could put your face on their body) Now make copies and hang them everywhere.

Will people think you are Strange?  Absolutely, but do you really want to look like them?


Click Here to start your transformation. 

This is For Real.


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