4 Things You Must Do To Succeed

I recently have had two women clients complain about what they saw on the scale.  The most recent one told me that the scale hurt her feelings.  I am a man, I don’t know anything about feelings, and I definitely don’t know anything about being a woman.

In fact…. If you are a woman, think about the greatest day of your life.  Now think about experiencing that every day for the rest of your life.  That’s what it feels like to be a man!  As good as you think it is, it’s even better.

I am not a woman, but I do know a little bit about being overweight.  Not severely overweight, but for a personal trainer, I was fat!  So fat I wouldn’t have hired me.  You see my before and after pictures?  You wouldn’t have hired me!

If you are comfortable being mediocre, having a mediocre life, having a mediocre body, etc… life is easy.  Life gets hard when you decide you want to step out of your comfort zone and do something substantial.  I wasn’t comfortable, so I made a decision that I wasn’t happy being in the shape I was in.  But one decision wasn’t enough.

Life is a sequence of decisions.  You are where you are in life because of the decisions you have made in the past.  You are the architect of your life.  If I said tomorrow, “I want to be a billionaire!”, in my mind, that is feasible.  I know what you’re thinking.  To make that possible, I have to make the decisions that will lead me to that reality.   That would make every decision an important decision.

First of all, that is not my goal.  But let’s say for a minute it is.  I just looked in my wallet and I have $17 dollars.  With all my investments and properties, let’s say my net worth is around $36.  If my goal is to be a billionaire, from my current standpoint, a billion dollars would be the equivalent of climbing Mount Everest blindfolded without a guide.

I really believe that is how a lot of people feel when it comes to their personal health and weight.  When you’re down in the valley, sometimes you can’t see the sun.  I am in phenomenal shape!  Ha ha….but 9 days ago I started a program of my own that’s very ambitious (not a fitness program).  I set my goals and started my own journey.  At first I was excited!  I am on day 9 and I, “Mr. Positive”, got discouraged.  I don’t know a lot about discouragement.  I guess that’s obvious because I am the guy who just said being a billionaire is feasible…AND I AM NOT EVEN ON DRUGS!

But what do you do when you are discouraged?  Number 1, count the cost.  Is it worth it?  Number 2, realize that you might not be in control of your circumstance, but you are in control of your destiny.  Number 3, now that you have established you want to continue your journey, refocus on the reasons you want to achieve your goal.  Number 4, NEVER QUIT!

If you want to find out how I can help click here and I will call you and we can talk about the plan that will change your life forever.

Click here to listen to my latest podcast The Scale!  (if you want to lose weight it’s a must listen

Thanks for Reading,

Coach Don

By the way, there is a difference between feasible and realistic.  I need one thousand people to give me one million dollars.

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