This is for REAL

This is Tony Bailey.

Tomorrow you will see HIS TRANSFORMATION.

Over the years I have worked with lots of successful business men and women. One defining characteristic they all seem to have is they don’t lose sight of the big picture.  Another amazing fact is they are not perfect!

A lot of time people get confused and they let facts overwhelm logic.   Nutritionally donuts are worse for you than apples however donuts will replenish muscle glycogen apples won’t.   This is something YOU will probably never need to worry about because overall the APPLE is a much better choice, so don’t let that miniscule detail derail you, confuse you, and justify your trip to Krispy Kreme.  Apples are not a major contributor to the current obesity epidemic we are currently experiencing foods like donuts are!

Back to Tony, this is where he nails it! When he did mess up and had dozen Kristy Kreme donuts (which he didn’t… but I might have) he didn’t lose focus of his GOAL or his DREAM! He got right back on track consistently making more right choices than wrong.

This is where big picture thinking separates the people who succeed from the people who fail.  Be like Tony, keep moving forward and don’t let the details or past “failures” derail you!

Thanks For Reading



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