Thinking Negative Thoughts

If a bird landed on your head would you let it build a nest? Not a chance! So why do you meditate (continuously think about and ponder) negative thoughts that don’t line up with your best interest!

You would never let anyone talk about you the way that you talk about yourself! If someone called, you fat and stupid you would get angry with them and not talk to them again! So why do you do it to yourself? Why?

You will never accomplish your dreams thinking thoughts that are negative towards you! In fact, if you constantly beat yourself up saying I am fat, stupid etc.…. your dream life will turn into a nightmare!

If you are overweight close your eyes and imagine yourself looking fit like you always wanted! See that flat stomach! See those six pack abs! Imagine what it feels like! Imagine the confidence level you have!

“Oh, that just makes me feel bad! Because I am so out of shape… “


I told you not to talk about yourself like that!

You are fit in every area or your life! Say that! Say the opposite of what you are currently doing that isn’t yielding the results you want.

For instance, if you drink soda, you know soda is bad for you, so now when you drink it say “I don’t like soda I don’t drink soda because it’s not good for me!” Then say “I love drinking water; I drink lots of water! All I drink is water!” Do it the entire time you are drinking soda or whatever vice or bad habit you are trying to break!

I know it sounds stupid but do it anyway! What you’re doing now isn’t working! So, what will it hurt to do what I say? Try to drink a bottle of coke or eat a box of donuts while you continually say you don’t like it and refuse to put it in your body! Seriously try… if you do eventually you will not be drinking coke or eating donuts.

If this sounds Strange to you…… it is Strange!


You don’t want to be normal! You don’t want the results normal people get! You want good results! You want to be Strange!

Ryan, the man in this photo, isn’t normal. I talked to him a lot when he was transforming his body! When I would talk to him I always assured him keep doing the program. Never quit! Keep going…. If you mess up get back on the plan!

I continuously encouraged him, and I guarantee you if he talked to you, he would tell you he had to interrupt the lies his mind was telling him about his progress.

He didn’t believe the lies…. And as you can see, he doesn’t have a normal body.

He is Strange….

The good news is you’re not normal either. You are Strange just like me!

Click here if you want results like Ryan I will call you and we will talk about how to make your dream body a reality.

Thanks for Reading
Coach Don

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