There Is Nothing Wrong With Complaining

“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” – Mike Tyson

Rather than wishing you didn’t have the problem, wish you were strong enough and smart enough to overcome the problem. That’s what successful people do.

I am going to say something controversial. There is absolutely nothing wrong with complaining! That’s right! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH COMPLAINING! I want you to stop reading and start complaining right now. I am serious! Complain about your weight, complain about your credit card debt, your job, your wife/husband, girlfriend/boyfriend, complain about your job. Now list those complaints out.

That’s great you got it out of you! It’s only when you acknowledge a problem, that you gain the power to change it.

Here is another revelation for you.


You got the list of complaints. Now it’s time to come up with a plan to change those things.

Britney could have complained about a lot of things but she didn’t she overcame.

She is a single Mom
She is a business owner

And she wrote the following to inspire you to change.

“(Since I have started training with Don) I have battled the flu and strep throat (twice) and had a bad back injury within a year. (on a side note she went through much more than that physically) She moved her home twice and her business once.”

What is her why? What is her motivation?

“I have a little girl who looks up to me and watches my every move. I want her to know she can rock at life being a strong independent woman.”

Then she wrote,
“No excuse is ever good enough for you to give up on yourself. What are you waiting for?”

It’s time for you to become the best version of you that you can be.

Take an action step now to move you closer to the healthy and fit version of yourself you want to become.

Follow the link and we can talk about how to make your dreams a reality.

Thanks for Reading
Coach Don

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