Stop Looking At The Scale!

Please don’t let the scale derail you from a good program because the numbers aren’t dropping as fast as you think it should.

When you start working out you could get smaller and actually gain weight! BECAUSE YOU ARE BUILDING MUSCLE!


Muscle takes up 3 times less space than fat!

Muscle burns 3 times more calories per pound than fat!

That means if you start building muscle. You will burn more calories while your waist shrinks!

So throw the scale away until you can trust yourself to objectively look at the information it gives you.

Body composition can be divided into 5 categories. 1.Organ Tissue 2. Bone 3. Water 4. Muscle 5. Fat. When you get on a good exercise and nutrition program weight goes up in all categories except fat! You don’t want to lose muscle when you lose weight, you just want to lose fat!

Now…. Let’s talk about to increase fat loss with supplements.

My fat burning stacks contain the ingredient CLA. The research has revealed some exciting news.

In human studies CLA has been shown to be beneficial in LOWERING BODY FAT. With even greater improvement in those who combine it with exercise! In animal studies it has been even more promising, it increased lean body mass and reduced body fat at the same time!

Previous studies have shown that CLA reduces body fat while preserving muscle tissue, and may also increase your metabolic rate. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that individuals who took 3.2 grams of CLA per day had a drop in fat mass of about 0.2 pounds each week (that’s about one pound a month) compared to those given a placebo.

Since CLA cannot be manufactured in the human body, you must get it from your diet by consuming high-quality dietary sources such as grass-fed beef.
Or by supplementing it!

The Fat Burning Stack’s I have formulated have tons of other ingredients and nutrients that promote fat loss, preserve and increases muscle tissue while helping you curb your sugar and junk food cravings!

Time for you to have the edge.

Click here for our Fat Burning Stack

Thanks For Reading
Coach Don

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