Somethings Should Remain Unseen

Warning This blog contains material not suitable for all audiences.

I am not a people watcher at all, but I have witnessed and seen things in the gym I unfortunately cannot unseen.  I have seen people wear things they shouldn’t wear and do things they shouldn’t do.  I have seen naked men stand on benches in locker rooms for no other reason but to show off their loins.  I have seen old men bend over and use the hand dryer to dry areas that have never seen the sun.  There have seen skinny dippers in the Olympic pool, there was someone kicked out of the sauna just for trying gain a greater carnal knowledge of someone of the opposite sex.

I have weight trained for the last 97 years I enjoy it.  I actually force myself to enjoy it.  In fact if I am “left to my own devices” I wouldn’t be at the gym, I would be watching reruns of The Fall Guy (if you have never watched the Fall Guy you haven’t lived).  The device here is not an electronic device…. It means if I am left to my own schemes.

In order to get the things we want in life, most of us will first  need a good brain washing.  If you followed the thoughts you think to the destination they bring, YOU WOULDN’T THINK THEM!  That’s why you need a brain washing!  The thoughts you think most of the time will determine your destination.

There are only three things in life you can control.  The thoughts you think, the images you visualize and the actions you take! THOSE THREE THINGS FRAME YOUR FUTURE!

It’s time to think on purpose, for a purpose.   If you could look the way you wanted, what would that look like?  How would you feel?  How would you think?  Find pictures of your fitness goal.  Then click here and I will call you and we can talk about how we can make those dreams a reality.

Think on purpose!  Because left to your own devices, one day you might be the one being kicked out of the Sauna at your local gym!

Thanks for Reading
Coach Don


If I did what I wanted to I would rather sit down at a bench and take pictures of myself.  That’s exactly what I did here!  I don’t like taking pictures of myself but my body doesn’t want to work out…. So I compromised I took 5 minutes rest and took 74 pictures.

p.s. my wife hates my blue shoes…….

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