Can’t Doesn’t Work

I can’t workout because….. place your excuses here _________________

But you don’t understand… I can’t workout because my cat won’t quit sneezing. That was an actual excuse I have heard. No lie!

I have no patience for excuses, NONE. Not even from me. When I hear them I zone out… I am not a sympathetic person.  I know that sounds mean but it’s not. I am, however, empathetic.

There is a major difference between empathy and sympathy. If you fall in the mud a sympathetic person will get down in the mud with you and cry with you

I am empathetic so I will help you out of the mud but if you want me to listen to your excuses as to why you fell in and how you can’t get out…. I won’t listen or help.  I won’t attend my own pity party so I definitely will not attend anyone elses.

This is how it talk to myself.

Here is the truth

Every one has obstacles they have to overcome.  Multiple people have overcome way more obstacles than us and found a way to get in shape or make their dreams become a reality. You know what the difference is?

They made no excuses and they took the blame for everything in their life that they didn’t like.

They had enough of their current circumstance and took responsibility with the complete understanding that they WERE the only person that could change it!

That’s not a bad thing that’s a GOOD thing! If it’s your responsibility it means you have the power to change it! If you don’t want to take responsibility then guess what… you are powerless to change it.

The truth is you can get fit. You can be healthy. You can control what you eat and you can workout. It’s not lack of time it’s just not a priority. It’s not lack of knowledge because babies crawl before they walk.  Knowledge (facts) understanding (the organization of the facts) and wisdom (the application of knowledge) come to those who seek it. You just don’t want it bad enough.

For every excuse you have I have a answer for it.

We compare ourselves to someone worse off and say well I don’t need as bad it as that person. We minimize what we want so we don’t feel the pain associated with failure that we might feel if we don’t reach our goal.   We put it off… oh I will start after the kids go to school, oh then there is Halloween, I just make a fresh start January 1st”. Then finally who can you trust? So many so called experts all saying different things just want my money, and I don’t even have the money for a trainer anyway.   My services start a $3.19 a day most people spend that on their Iced White Chocolate Mocha at Starbucks.  If you just gave up the calories from that drink for one year you would lose 43 pounds and you could afford me.

Quit making excuses. It’s time for you to own your results! You can get into shape! Do it!  Click Here to start.

This is for REAL!
Coach Don

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