“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” – Mike Tyson Rather than wishing you didn’t have the problem, wish you were strong enough and smart enough to overcome the problem. [...]
No one sets out in life saying… “You know what I want… I want to be 100 pounds overweight, broke, single and sick.” No one says that! Everyone has the same goals… We all want to [...]
Please don’t let the scale derail you from a good program because the numbers aren’t dropping as fast as you think it should. When you start working out you could get smaller and actually [...]
Meachy is simple just like me! He likes fast, easy meals, this is one of my favorites to! It’s so simple! Don’s Easy Spaghetti Ingredients 3 cups Pasta Sauce 14 oz Barilla Protein Plus [...]
I asked Meachy to give me the two main keys to successfully transform his body. Key 1 “Get FOCUSED, Get DIALED in on your GOALS.” My commentary: You cannot hit a target you don’t have. No one [...]
The 40 Day Fix! Meachy did this all in 40 days. He transformed his body! You can do the same thing! The program is tough but it’s doable. He would tell you himself, if he did it you can do it [...]
I asked Meachy what his favorite cheat meal was. I said don’t lie to me… I don’t want to hear grilled chicken in broccoli! Because I won’t believe it. He said “My favorite cheat meal is [...]
I really can’t say enough good things about this client! She gets the job done, her meticulous attention to every detail is something I admire. If I told her she needed to climb mount Everest to [...]
You can do it, you really can. You can eat foods that make you healthy. You can workout so you have a fit body. You can drink plenty of water so you are well hydrated and full of energy. You can [...]
Big dreams lead to big results, you show me someone who has had success I will show you someone who made a commitment to do things they didn’t want to do because they had a big reason. We do [...]