Are You Achieving Your Goals?

No one sets out in life saying… “You know what I want… I want to be 100 pounds overweight, broke, single and sick.” No one says that! Everyone has the same goals… We all want to be rich, fit, and have good relationships. If you say you don’t want those three things you should stop reading this or lying to yourself.

We all have the same goals! So if the goal was the most important thing you needed to succeed and everyone has the same goals why aren’t more people succeeding in achieving what they say they want.

If you aren’t reaching your goals there are two reasons.

1. The goal doesn’t excite you enough to move you to action.

The word motivation is made up of the root word Motive and the suffix ation which means action. If the motive is strong enough it will always move you to action. If I said you had one year to lose the weight you say you want to lose or I was going to take your house and your kids were going to jail. You would lose the weight.

2. Never put the processes in place to achieve your goal.

People occasionally stumble upon the truth but unfortunately most of them trip over, look back confused and keep walking in the direction to destination nowhere. When it comes to fitness and nutrition and body composition it amazes me how many people have the do it themselves attitude. I often say “stay in your lane” I am not a mechanic… I take my car to the mechanic he fixes my car. Could I do it myself? Yes but it might take me 10 times longer and cost me more money if I do it myself.

When I was 23 years old I hired a trainer. It was a lot of money but it was BY FAR the best investment I ever made. The things I learned have served me and laid the foundation that helped me help thousands of people.

Brittney was one of these people, she hired me and SHE DID WHAT I SAID, and the results speak form themselves.

I am not confused when it comes to what you need to do to get fit… Not even a little. Quit wasting your precious time get excited about a goal then let me help you come up with the process to make your dream body become a reality.

Click here to take the first step to transform your life.

Thanks for Reading
Coach Don

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