Tips To Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life

I asked Ryan to give me 2 tips that helped him get in the best shape of his life.

Here they are:

Tip #1 “Don’t compare yourself to others.”
Here is some Strange Wisdom (my commentary)

You know how I know Ryan doesn’t compare himself with others? Because comparison will always make you build your relationships downward, you cannot build your relationships upward because anyone who is more successful than you in the area you want to get better in, will make you feel insignificant and insecure. He demonstrated he didn’t unfairly compare himself to others when he hired me. I had the knowledge he wanted, and he wasn’t afraid to tell me he didn’t know something. No one can help someone who knows everything.

One thing I have learned over the years is people who are successful are always very excited to tell you how to get what they have. Unfortunately, a lot of people are too insecure to take their advice. When I say take their advice I mean believe and apply the principles they were taught. Ryan did what I said! He took my advice and followed my plan!

Tip #2 “Embrace your failures, learn from them and become a better you.”
Here is some more Strange Wisdom

Embrace your failures……. that’s a tough one. I don’t like failure, so I don’t want to embrace a failure. But the truth is everyone fails, every baby that learns how to walk, falls, but does that stop them? NO! It also doesn’t stop their parents from encouraging them to keep trying to walk. But something happens when we age. We lose sight of our dreams we are told by society we can’t. We get a taste of failure and we give up, then assume this is how life is!

The good news is that’s not true! You know where the most valuable possessions can be found? The graveyard, it’s full books that should have been written that would have saved millions of people, songs that should have been sung that would have brought joy to a generations. It’s full of the dreams and untapped potential that would have made the world a perfect place to live.

That’s a shame, and you know what it’s selfish. It is selfish to give up. Because the world needs what you can bring to it! So, do what Ryan says!
Fail fast, forgive yourself and move forward! It’s time to get fit spiritually, mentally, physically, and financially.

You don’t want what normal people have; you want to be Strange. It’s Strange to be successful, but I know if your reading this, you are headed in the right direction! You will be successful just like Ryan.

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Thanks for reading,
Coach Don

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