3 Ways To Get Back On Track

I asked Meachy what his favorite cheat meal was.

I said don’t lie to me… I don’t want to hear grilled chicken in broccoli! Because I won’t believe it.

He said “My favorite cheat meal is fried chicken, green beans, mac and cheese, and Jiffy corn bread, but dude I love candy! I love Snickers, Mr. Goodbar, Laffy Taffy and Sweet Tarts.

Then I asked him honestly how often did he eat it. He said “Before I started your program, way too much, like all the time.”

Tomorrow you will see what he did in 40 days!

Today let’s talk about 3 things you can do right now to get back on track.

You do 3 things. Regroup. Re-evaluate. Restart.

1. Regroup. You made a mistake. You ate a half gallon of ice cream and 2 dozen Oreo cookies. As your coach I would say you deserve death but today I will let you live. So right now, immediately QUIT beating yourself up! Dust yourself off and Re-evaluate.

2. Re-evaluate. How bad do you want it? How bad do you want to be in shape? Are the ice cream sandwiches, Krispy Cream donuts, and pizza more valuable than BODY OF YOUR DREAMS? Time to focus on who you want to be and NOT WHAT YOU WANT TO EAT.

3. Restart. You have to Relax, refocus and reprioritize because it’s time to reapply what you know and recognize the fact that you can re-conquer and repair the damage you caused when you rewarded yourself with a red velvet cupcake.

Let’s be realistic only you have the power to reshape your body!

If you want to find out how I can help click here and I will call you and we can talk about the plan that will change your life forever.

Thanks for Reading
Coach Don

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